4 wednesdays: 18/09. 25/09, 02/10 and 09/10/2024

Workshop self treatment through movement and how to move chi on someone else with basic stretches and massage techniques. 

With Litty Pery and Sietske van den oord

Join us for this amazing workshop and learn to treat yourself through powerfull Tai Su movements and how to treat others by moving their chi and open the meridians with basic stretches and massage. 

What is Tai Su?

Tai Su is a movement therapy to move your inner will power and self belief by building a physical movement structure of step by step growth. Its working on the connections of the ligaments and moves the fascia. 

Tai Su is especially effective for people with restrictions in movement, long lasting injuries and painfull joints. 


Day 1: Learn how to move chi in your arms and legs through movement,followed by treating each other lying on the belly, moving chi in someone else on the arms and legs. 

Day 2: Learn how to gently move and open your back through movement, followed by treating each others back, moving the chi from the neck to the sacrum and in the shoulders. 

Day 3: Learn how to treat your neck and shoulder area through movement, followed by giving each other a treatment lying down on the back; opening the neck and stretching the arms and legs. 

Day 4: Learn how to combine all the above into a beautifull Tai Su excersise followed by treating each others feet and learning a basic relaxing foot massage. 


After this workshop you will be able to treat yourself through movement, open up blockages and move your own chi. 

You will also be able to do the same for someone else by giving them opening stretches and a gentle basic massage.


Costs per day: €25

If you book the whole four days, which of course we highly recommend, you will pay only €80 in totall. 


Times of the workshop: 12:30AM untill 3:30PM. We will have a half hour break in between to have a little lunch, snack and tea. 

Contact Sietske to reserve your spot: 925621305 


Transformation through Dance 

Saturday 29th of June 2024 2PM untill 6PM  €35

Let your body lead you into the next phase of you. 
In this workshop we will dance our way to transformation, with the help and guidance of archetype cards.
This workshop is a combination of movement and inner work in the form of guided visualisation. 
We will use archetype cards to intuit about which archetype is currently present within us and which one needs to awaken to help us through to the next phase of our life. 
This will be explored further through movement and embodied awareness.
There will be a physical warm up to music and free style dancing as well as some discussion and sharing (no pressure, you can say as much or as little as you wish)

Bring have notebook and pen to write down your insights / experience.

We will have a 30mins break for a cuppa tea, snacks and chat.


Galit: 926764221

Transformação através da Dança

Sabado 29 de Junho: 14h00 ate 18h00  €35

Deixe seu corpo levá-lo para a próxima fase de você.
Neste workshop dançaremos o nosso caminho para a transformação, com a ajuda e orientação das cartas dos arquétipos.
Este workshop é uma combinação de movimento e trabalho interno na forma de visualização guiada.
Usaremos cartas de arquétipo para intuir qual arquétipo está atualmente presente dentro de nós e qual precisa despertar para nos ajudar na próxima fase de nossa vida.
Isso será explorado ainda mais por meio do movimento e da consciência incorporada.
Haverá um aquecimento físico com música e dança de estilo livre, bem como alguma discussão e partilha (sem pressão, você pode dizer o quanto quiser)

Traga um caderno e uma caneta para anotar seus insights/experiências.

Teremos um intervalo de 30 minutos para uma xícara de chá, lanches e bate-papo.


Galit: 926764221

Are you looking for a space to do a workshop or an event?

You can rent the activity space aswell as the treatment space of the centro. The big space can hold up to 20 people depending on the kind of workshop. We can provide yogamats and blankets. There is a possiblility to make tea for your guests and there´s water always available. Food is not allowed in the activity space.

For rent we ask 25% of your generated income but should  be at least €10. 

please contact Sietske through +351 925621305 for more info




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